I have put together a working document of resources for prospective graduate students. This is a compilation of my answers to some frequently asked questions about the applications process. This might be most useful for international students applying to Anthropology PhD programs in the US. I welcome any questions about the application process. I might not have the time to address all queries individually but I will periodically update this document based on questions people ask. Just a note of precaution: take my advice with a pinch of salt, I am sharing this as someone who has applied to grad programs and assist others in their applications; I have no experience serving on admissions committees or any such official roles.
a) See here for the document I have compiled.
b) Some other resources on this topic:
For those applying to Media studies PhD programs and some general advice on applications, by Dr Lia Wolock
A post on Media studies and communication PhD applications, by Dr Jonathan Gray
Advice from Dr Tressie McMillan Cottom here
The Hidden Curriculum of Applying for Anthropology PhD in the US by Dr Dick Powis
On funding and anthropology here
Should you apply? https://conditionallyaccepted.com/2015/03/12/applying-gradschool/
A crowd-sourced list of people who are willing to read SOPs and help with applying to grad schools facilitated and put together by Dr Noopur Raval